This will be an ongoing workshop concentrating on technique and style featuring the basic steps and a few more advanced figures. We will spend several weeks on each dance genre before moving on to another dance genre. Once we have the basics, we may work on two or three dances per session, continuing previous sessions. This will provide you with basic techniques that can be used in more than one dance. This is a chance to learn technique and to improve your overall comfort and appearance. We will begin by reviewing the basic movements, steps, and figures with attention to detail for proper technique, footwork, posture, holds, lead and follow, fall and rise, sway, Latin motion, figure sequencing, terminology, etc., and finish each dance genre with a couple of more advanced figures or sequences. This series will help you become better leaders, better followers, look more elegant, feel more confident, and more.
Classes will be held in my home studio in Williamstown, and the class size will be limited.