Leaders start with the left foot, followers with the right foot. For the basics, the follows performs the mirror image of the leader.
- In closed position, leader’s left arm is straight with the wrist bent to point finders at the follower’s right knee. The follower’s right hand, palm down, is similarly straight with the wrist bent to point at the leader’s left knee. The opposite arms are in normal closed dance position. In this configuration, the rock step rotates outwardly and back toward fifth position as if the couple were hinged.
- In open position the hands are connected by curved fingers at waist level, (leaders palm up, followers palm down), and the rock step is straight back.
Slow: Triple step (one and two, three and four, five, six) Moderate: Double step (one and, two and, three, four = toe, heel; toe, heel, rock, back.)
Fast: Single step (step, step, rock back) step sizes need to be much smaller.
Some Popular Swing Steps