Web Server Statistics for ballroomdances.org

Program started at Sat-Jun-30-2001 01:35 local time.
Analyzed requests from Fri-Jun-01-2001 08:17 to Sat-Jun-30-2001 00:45 (28.7 days).

Total successful requests: 4,455 (1,003)
Average successful requests per day: 155 (143)
Total successful requests for pages: 3,719 (864)
Total failed requests: 243 (43)
Total redirected requests: 4 (2)
Number of distinct files requested: 140 (96)
Number of distinct hosts served: 678 (207)
Number of new hosts served in last 7 days: 138
Total data transferred: 35,124 kbytes (7,510 kbytes)
Average data transferred per day: 1,224 kbytes (1,073 kbytes)
(Figures in parentheses refer to the last 7 days).

(Go To: Monthly report: Domain report: Directory report: Request report)

Monthly Report

(Go To: Top: Domain report: Directory report: Request report)

Each unit (+) represents 80 requests for pages, or part thereof.

   month: pages: 
--------  -----  
Jun 2001:  3719: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Directory report: Request report)

Printing all domains, sorted by amount of traffic.

#reqs: %bytes: domain
-----  ------  ------
 1709: 39.71%: .com (Commercial, mainly USA)
 1225: 25.37%: .net (Network)
  877: 18.98%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
  138:  3.61%: .edu (USA Educational)
  102:  2.50%: .org (Non-Profit Making Organisations)
   75:  2.29%: .au (Australia)
   82:  1.73%: .uk (United Kingdom)
   58:  1.27%: .ca (Canada)
   25:  1.06%: .gov (USA Government)
   29:  0.58%: .us (United States)
   15:  0.43%: .nz (New Zealand)
   17:  0.40%: .jp (Japan)
   16:  0.33%: .de (Germany)
   14:  0.33%: .il (Israel)
   12:  0.27%: .be (Belgium)
   13:  0.24%: .it (Italy)
    7:  0.22%: .hu (Hungary)
    6:  0.18%: .ee (Estonia)
    5:  0.14%: .za (South Africa)
    6:  0.08%: .ru (Russian Federation)
    5:  0.07%: .br (Brazil)
    5:  0.05%: .pt (Portugal)
    3:  0.04%: .gr (Greece)
    3:  0.04%: .fi (Finland)
    3:  0.04%: .ck (Cook Islands)
    3:  0.03%: .ge (Georgia)
    2:  0.01%: .no (Norway)

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Domain report: Request report)

Printing all directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by amount of traffic.
Printing directories to depth 1.

#reqs: %bytes: directory
-----  ------  ---------
  899: 34.72%: [root directory]
  723: 28.13%: /music/
 1395: 16.71%: /images/
 1124: 11.38%: /dance/
  278:  8.73%: /maps/
   13:  0.26%: /stats/
   14:  0.06%: /cgi/

Request Report

(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Domain report: Directory report)

Printing all requested files with at least 1 request, sorted by number of requests.

#reqs: %bytes: file
-----  ------  ----
  669: 21.20%: /music/tenwaltz.mid
  539:  3.52%: /images/stars.gif
  502: 24.37%: /
  425:  0.64%: /images/nospam.gif
  331: 11.54%: /images/dancing.gif
  150:  4.74%: /links.html
   60:  1.28%: /etiquette.html
   56:  0.64%: /dance/essd.html
   55:  1.30%: /instructors.html
   52:  6.78%: /music/argentina.mid
   52:  0.83%: /dance/lmichaels.html
   50:  0.48%: /dance/usabda.html
   49:  0.47%: /dance/sosbrd.html
   48:  0.21%: /dance/citylimits.html
   47:  0.54%: /dance/troy.html
   46:  0.44%: /dance/cpymca.html
   45:  0.40%: /dance/gddsfree.html
   44:  2.35%: /dancerate.html
   38:  0.48%: /dance/pittsfield.html
   38:  0.39%: /dance/starburst.html
   37:  0.39%: /dance/artmaxine.html
   36:  0.75%: /dance/tango.html
   36:  0.53%: /images/brdfloor.gif
   33:  0.14%: /images/lmdancers.gif
   33:  0.57%: /dance/afterfive.html
   32:  0.28%: /dance/gddsbrd.html
   30:  0.18%: /dance/shen.html
   30:  0.77%: /dance/massmoca.html
   29:  0.12%: /dance/barcelona.html
   28:  0.37%: /dance/schaaf.html
   28:  0.30%: /dance/walker.html
   27:  0.34%: /dance/academy.html
   26:  0.26%: /policy.html
   26:  0.15%: /dance/esdd.html
   25:  0.12%: /dance/tenanes.html
   25:  0.12%: /dance/latin797.html
   24:  0.26%: /dance/castano.html
   21:  0.13%: /images/emdancers.gif
   20:  0.21%: /dance/kens.html
   19:  0.13%: /dance/gddswcs.html
   19:  0.16%: /dance/amdssd.html
   18:  0.15%: /eileens.html
   18:  0.14%: /dance/froio.html
   17:  0.11%: /esbsd.html
   16:  0.10%: /dance/gddsgay.html
   15:  0.07%: /dance/ddbsd.html
   14:  0.08%: /dance/powder.html
   14:  0.04%: /maps/ainsworth2.html
   14:  0.08%: /disclaimer.html
   14:  0.06%: /cgi/counts
   13:  0.07%: /dance/fitzwilly.html
   13:  0.07%: /lists.html
   12:  0.28%: /maps/lmds.gif
   12:  0.07%: /dance/beavercreek.html
   11:  0.02%: /maps/academy2.html
   11:  0.08%: /dance/argtanwmst.html
   11:  0.06%: /dance/maidana.html
   10:  0.07%: /dance/lkdssd.html
   10:  0.06%: /dance/gddstango.html
   10:  0.02%: /maps/ainsworth1.html
   10:  0.08%: /dance/campbell.html
   10:  0.17%: /maps/citylimits.gif
   10:  0.06%: /dance/cambridge.html
    9:  0.11%: /dance/gddslive.html
    9:  0.02%: /maps/nhcc.html
    9:  0.18%: /maps/cpymca.gif
    9:  0.25%: /maps/sosatpcc.gif
    8:  0.16%: /maps/esds.gif
    8:  0.03%: /maps/kofc.html
    8:  0.04%: /dance/gddslatin.html
    8:  0.02%: /stats/
    7:  0.03%: /dance/club797.html
    7:  0.01%: /maps/lkds1.html
    7:  0.14%: /maps/barcelona.gif
    7:  0.63%: /maps/ainsworth2.gif
    6:  0.01%: /maps/lkds.html
    6:  0.01%: /maps/argtanwmst.html
    6:  0.01%: /maps/nhcc1.html
    6:  0.01%: /maps/argtanwmst1.html
    6:  0.17%: /images/dancers.gif
    6:  0.23%: /maps/starburst.gif
    5:  0.58%: /maps/germania.gif
    5:  0.86%: /maps/ainsworth.gif
    5:  0.06%: /dance/newport.html
    5:  0.14%: /maps/nca.gif
    5:  0.01%: /maps/ncfta2.html
    4:  0.04%: /maps/ddbds.gif
    4:  0.32%: /maps/nhcc2.gif
    4:  0.96%: /maps/smith.gif
    4:  0.27%: /maps/coltroad.gif
    4:  0.22%: /maps/club797.gif
    4:  0.45%: /maps/academy2.gif
    4:  0.03%: /images/staff2.gif
    4:  0.01%: /maps/ncfta1.html
    4:  0.01%: /maps/caimbridge1.html
    4:  0.01%: /maps/caimbridge2.html
    3:  0.12%: /maps/afterfive.gif
    3:  0.13%: /maps/fads.gif
    3:  0.17%: /stats/Apr.2001.anastats.html
    3:  0.16%: /maps/acres.gif
    3:  0.06%: /maps/sdds.gif
    3:  0.09%: /maps/brownshoe.gif
    3:  0.10%: /maps/froio.gif
    3:  0.12%: /maps/pearl.gif
    3:  0.04%: /dance/
    3:  0.11%: /maps/linden.gif
    3:       : /icons/blank.gif
    3:  0.31%: /maps/rpi.gif
    3:  0.09%: /maps/spring.gif
    3:  0.06%: /maps/cambridge.gif
    3:       : /icons/back.gif
    3:  0.03%: /dance/snowball.html
    3:       : /icons/text.gif
    2:  0.09%: /maps/amds.gif
    2:  0.04%: /maps/gdds.gif
    2:  0.05%: /maps/odds.gif
    2:  0.04%: /maps/lkds.gif
    2:  0.11%: /maps/prds.gif
    2:  0.10%: /maps/nhcc1.gif
    2:  0.06%: /maps/wmst.gif
    2:  0.09%: /maps/lkds2.gif
    2:  0.08%: /maps/skidmore.gif
    2:  0.07%: /maps/sdads.gif
    2:  0.06%: /maps/wmst0.gif
    2:  0.06%: /maps/grange.gif
    2:  0.04%: /maps/academy0.gif
    2:  0.01%: /dance/rpi.html
    2:  0.07%: /stats/May.2001.anastats.html
    2:  0.04%: /maps/powder.gif
    2:  0.06%: /maps/dancespace.gif
    1:  0.04%: /maps/nhcc.gif
    1:  0.06%: /maps/kofc.gif
    1:  0.03%: /maps/lkds1.gif
    1:  0.03%: /maps/beaver.gif
    1:  0.02%: /maps/falcon.gif
    1:  0.02%: /maps/cambridge0.gif
    1:       : /music/
    1:  0.04%: /maps/ncfta0.gif
    1:  0.07%: /maps/ncfta2.gif
    1:  0.15%: /music/inthemood.mid

This analysis was produced by analog1.91beta4/Unix.
Running time: 1 minute, 33 seconds.

(Go To: Top: Monthly report: Domain report: Directory report: Request report)

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