Chinle fromChinle is a dance company located in Chinle, Arizona, USA. We specialize in traditional and modern American dance styles, as well as international dance styles. We offer a variety of classes, workshops, and performances for all ages and levels of experience. We are dedicated to providing quality instruction and entertainment to our community and beyond.
Chinle fromChinle was founded in 2020 by a group of local dancers and dance enthusiasts. We are a community-based organization that strives to bring the joy and beauty of dance to our community. Our mission is to provide quality instruction and entertainment to our community and beyond.
Chinle fromChinle offers a variety of classes, workshops, and performances for all ages and levels of experience. Our classes include traditional and modern American dance styles, as well as international dance styles. We also offer private lessons for those who wish to further their skills.
At Chinle fromChinle, we are proud to have a team of experienced and knowledgeable instructors. Our instructors have a wide range of experience in both traditional and modern dance styles. They are dedicated to providing quality instruction and entertainment to our students.
We offer a variety of events and performances throughout the year. Our events include workshops, showcases, and competitions. We also host special events such as dance-offs and flash mobs.
We are open from Monday to Friday, from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm. For more information, please contact us at or at (Arizona) 86503.
Name: Chinle
Country: United States of America
State: Arizona
City: Chinle
Address: Arizona 86503
Working hours: