day date times city state click for map sponsor price
Wednesday September 23 08:45-11:00 Holyoke MA 92 Race Street Veronika Kruta Tango $5
October 7
October 10
October 14
October 21


Gateway City Arts

  • Come dance and socialize at our monthly tango dance, featuring excellent DJ's, special performances, and light refreshment. This dance is preceded by a lesson.  ​25% discount for students with valid I.D.
  • Come to our weekly late night practica that might as well be a milonga!
This is not a general rating system. It does not consider subjective factors or quality; it's only about time, cost, and space to dance - how it works.



public admission price*

price per hour*

dancable area*

average attendance*

average distance betwen couples*

0 2.25 $5 $2.22 ??? ??? ??? feet

This page was updated by Ralph Kenyon on 2014-08-21 at 19:58 and has been accessed 5961 times at 455 hits per month.