day date times city state click for map sponsor price
Friday May 17 07:30-11:30 Saratoga Springs NY 474 Broadway Saratoga Savoy Dance Studio $16
May 17
June 21
July 19
August 16


At the Diamond Dance you can enjoy hours of live music performed by some of the best local and nationally known musicians, dance demonstrations, DJ'd music between sets, the elegance of the historic Saratoga Music Hall, and a free beginner dance lesson.

"This hall is just darn big -- I don't know the specs exactly, but it is at least 110'x100' wooden floor and easily has room for about 250-300 dancers." Elegant and vast, it is the oldest meeting space in NY and was the site of the birth of the American Banking Association and the American Bar Association.  Snacks are included in the price of admission. Beverages are not included, as drinks in part pay for the band. A cash bar is available. (ID required for all). For more information Saratoga Savoy or call 518-587-5132.

This rating system does not consider subjective factors or quality; it's only about time, cost, and space to dance - how it works.




time value*





0.5 3.5 $16 Live Music* 11000 200 9.3 Live Music*

This page was updated by Ralph Kenyon on 2012-12-07 at 23:10 and has been accessed 14402 times at 106 hits per month.