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Sunday 5:00-9:00 Averill Park NY 38 Old Route 66 Quintessential Dance $20

no current


Ballroom "not a" Dinner Dance

Dancing is at the Crystal Cove, to carefully selected and rated ballroom music. Our BOSE sound system is a modern state-of-the-art design engineered to fill a large room with an even volume. Unlike conventional older systems, there is much less difference in sound levels close to and far from the speakers. For more information, Tom Trimarchi or call him at 413-822-1600. There will be a dance lesson from 5:00-5:45.

"This is a fabulous place. It has ... off floor seating for 120 people. And price of admission includes an unbelievable meal. And it's a [bring your own bottle] of fine wine. The last event had a buffet including: Salad, Filet Mignon - yes for real - and it was cooked to perfection, Chicken & Cranberry Surprise, Fresh Corn on the Cob, Twice Baked Potatoes, Baked Eggplant something or other that was delicious." - Tom

"And, they were always marketed as a dance with a snack that just happened to be .... Not Sure I will market them as dinner dances."  - Tom

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time value*





0.75 3.25 $15 5.4 2400 80 6.3 5.8

This page was updated by Ralph Kenyon on 2008/08/25 at 14:42 and has been accessed 1056 times at 111 hits per month.