day date times city state click for map sponsor price
Sunday May 8 02:30-05:00 Great Barrington MA 15 Crissey Road Ron Tritto $10
April 10
May 1
July 10
August 7


This dance is at the Berkshire South Regional Community Center.  Join us for the old world tradition of the afternoon “Tea Dance.” This is a great opportunity to practice your dancing, meet some old friends and make some new ones. A thirty minute dance technique class will be offered at the start of each dance, and yes, tea and light snacks will be served! The hall has a large wooden floor, and it is air-conditioned. Music and instruction will be provide by Ron Tritto.  Dates are tentative - call 413-528-5260 in advance to confirm.
This is not a general rating system. It does not consider subjective factors or quality; it's only about time, cost, and space to dance - how it works.



public admission price*

price per hour*

dancable area*

average attendance*

average distance betwen couples*

0.5 2 $10 $4.00 3200 ??? ??? feet

This page was updated by Ralph Kenyon on 2014-08-21 at 19:58 and has been accessed 10390 times at 115 hits per month.