The New York Argentine Tango Dance Network offers an exciting and unique way to experience the beauty and passion of Argentine Tango in the heart of New York City. Located at 2 E Broadway f9, this dance club is the perfect place for anyone looking to learn and practice the traditional Argentine Tango. With knowledgeable instructors, high-quality music, and a friendly atmosphere, the New York Argentine Tango Dance Network is the perfect place to learn and experience the Argentine Tango. Phone +1 212-757-5626 or visit for more information. Email [email protected] for inquiries.
The New York Argentine Tango Dance Network offers a variety of classes for all skill levels, from beginners to advanced dancers. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned veteran, you can find a class that is just right for you. The classes are taught by experienced instructors who will help you learn the basics of Argentine Tango quickly and easily. You will also have the opportunity to practice the steps and techniques with a partner in a fun and welcoming atmosphere.
The New York Argentine Tango Dance Network provides a unique experience for anyone looking to experience the beauty and passion of Argentine Tango. With a variety of classes and events, you can experience the thrill and excitement of Argentine Tango in the heart of New York City. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned dancer, you will find the New York Argentine Tango Dance Network to be the perfect place to learn and experience the Argentine Tango.
New York Argentine Tango Dance Network
Address: 2 E Broadway f9
Phone: +1 212-757-5626
Email: [email protected]
Categories: Dance club