The Southwestern College Dance Program is an exceptional dance program located in San Diego, California. Founded in 1976, the program provides a comprehensive dance education to students of all ages and backgrounds. The program offers classes in ballet, jazz, tap, contemporary, hip-hop, and other genres, as well as performance opportunities and workshops. With a faculty of experienced and passionate teachers, the program is dedicated to helping students reach their fullest potential.
The Southwestern College Dance Program offers a wide variety of classes and programs. From beginner classes to advanced classes, students can find the perfect class to suit their needs. The program also offers a variety of performance opportunities, including performances at local venues and festivals. In addition, the program offers workshops and master classes with renowned guest artists.
The Southwestern College Dance Program is led by an experienced faculty of passionate and dedicated teachers. With years of experience in the field, the faculty is committed to providing students with the best possible dance education. In addition, the faculty is committed to fostering a positive and supportive environment in which students can reach their fullest potential.
The Southwestern College Dance Program is located at 900 Otay Lakes Rd, San Diego, California. For more information, please visit the program’s website at or contact the program at +1 619-482-6372 or [email protected].
The Southwestern College Dance Program offers an exceptional dance education for students of all ages and backgrounds. With a faculty of experienced and passionate teachers, the program is dedicated to helping students reach their fullest potential. From beginner classes to performance opportunities, the Southwestern College Dance Program has something for everyone. Experience the Southwestern College Dance Program today!
Southwestern College Dance Program
Address: 900 Otay Lakes Rd
Phone: +1 619-482-6372
Email: [email protected]
Categories: School