Located at 4181 Cushing Pkwy, Premier Ballroom Studio is the premier choice for ballroom dancing in the US. With decades of experience, Premier Ballroom Studio offers a wide variety of classes and lessons for both experienced and novice dancers. From beginner classes to advanced lessons, Premier Ballroom Studio has something for everyone. The studio also offers private lessons and group classes for those who prefer a more personalized experience. The instructors at Premier Ballroom Studio are all highly trained and experienced in ballroom dancing, and they are committed to helping each student reach their goals.
At Premier Ballroom Studio, a variety of classes and lessons are available for all levels of dancers. Beginner classes focus on the basics of ballroom dancing, such as posture, footwork, and technique. Intermediate classes offer more complex steps and patterns, while advanced classes challenge students with intricate moves and routines. In addition to the classes and lessons, Premier Ballroom Studio also offers private lessons and group classes. Private lessons provide a more personalized experience, while group classes allow students to practice their skills with other dancers.
Premier Ballroom Studio is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and amenities. The studio features a spacious dance floor, a sound system, and a variety of props and equipment. The studio also has a lounge area for students to relax and unwind before and after classes. In addition, the studio offers a variety of refreshments and snacks for students to enjoy.
For more information about Premier Ballroom Studio, please visit http://premierballroomstudio.com, or contact the studio at [email protected] or +1 510-683-9228.
Premier Ballroom Studio
Address: 4181 Cushing Pkwy
Phone: +1 510-683-9228
Website: http://premierballroomstudio.com
Email: [email protected]
Categories: Ballroom