Located in the heart of the city at 2309 E Atlantic Blvd, Star Ballroom offers a unique and exciting experience for all ballroom dancing enthusiasts. With top of the line facilities and experienced instructors, Star Ballroom offers classes, private lessons, and social events for all levels of dancers. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned pro, Star Ballroom has something to offer everyone.
Star Ballroom offers a variety of classes and private lessons for all levels of dancers. From beginner classes to advanced classes, there is something for everyone. Private lessons are also available for those who want to focus on a specific style or technique.
Star Ballroom also offers a variety of social events for all levels of dancers. From monthly dances to special events, there is something for everyone. Whether you are looking for a night out with friends or a romantic evening with your partner, Star Ballroom has something for you.
For more information about Star Ballroom, please contact us at +1 954-782-7760, email us at [email protected], or visit our website at http://starballroomdance.com. We look forward to seeing you on the dance floor!
Star Ballroom
Address: 2309 E Atlantic Blvd
Phone: +1 954-782-7760
Website: http://starballroomdance.com
Email: [email protected]
Categories: Ballroom