Argentine Tango Group Lessons in Williamstown



contact email address city state
Marco Sanchez  863 Main Street Williamstown MA
day date time instructors dance level time cost
Friday April 11 17:30 Paul Marshall Argentine Tango beginner - first time 60 $10
April 11, 18, & 25 & May 2 & 9, Goodrich Hall, Lower Goodrich Studio. Free to Williams College Students and Faculty. Note: If the scheduled instructor is not available, this will be a practica with participants sharing their experience, and there will be no charge to guests.
Friday April 11 19:30 Jackie Wong Argentine Tango beginner - Intermediate 60 $10
April 11, 18, & 25 & May 2 & 9, Goodrich Hall, Lower Goodrich Studio. Free to Williams College Students and Faculty. Note: If the scheduled instructor is not available, this will be a practica with participants sharing their experience, and there will be no charge to guests.

This page was updated by Ralph Kenyon on 2008/02/08 at 00:00 and has been accessed 198 times at 51 hits per month.