This news list is only for social partner dance related events in our area. Be sure to put the date of an event in italics thus: <i> date </i>. Include location, address, the price of admission, and a description of the event. Provide contact information, including a name (if not your own), a phone number, and an email address (if not your own above). Do not use abbreviations. You may use the following formatting commands.
Most HTML format commands come in begin-end pairs <command> begins a text format and </command> ends that text format. Examples:
<h2>a centered header</h2>
<p>Starts a new paragraph. <b> bolds text </b>, <i> italicizes text</i>, <u>underlines text</u> <br>Start a new line in the same paragraph (has no end command) "</p>" is optional here.
<ul><li>starts a bulleted list first item
- ends the first item</li>
- <li> inserts another list item</li>
- <li> inserts the last list item </ul></ul>