day date times city state click for map sponsor price
This information is only available when you use the link on the calendar page.
May 6
June 3
July 1
August 5


Votre Soiree

all volunteer committee sponsored dances are open to the general public.
  • Couples and singles are all welcome.
    (Dance host available for singles.)
  • Come and meet people and socialize 1/2 hour before the dance.
  • Singles welcome!
  • Bring your dance partner or meet them at the dance!
  • Dress code: Smart casual dress, please! (no jeans, no T-shirts)
    (Dress code is enforced.)
  • Dinner Dances - As always, anyone who chooses to attend only the dance portion of the evening (7:30-10:30) will pay the usual $10 admission at the door.
  • Newsletter

This page was updated by Ralph Kenyon on 2015-05-07 at 01:17 and has been accessed 10211 times at 285 hits per month.