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September 22
October 27
November 24
December 22


Are you prepared for another opportunity to dance? We certainly hope so.  We are providing another chance to "Boogie the Night Away" at The Fun Spot Skating Rink. The skating rink, located about a mile north of Exit 19 of the Northway, has a large floor, perfect for ballroom and social dancing. We will be using the DJ provided by The Fun Spot, and they will be spinning a compilation of tunes collected from our very own members. Also, we will not be providing a dance lesson on this particular evening. So…warm up those shoes and just come prepared to dance, dance, dance! Dance hosts and instructors free. So…save the date! See you there! Everyone there agreed that it was the best dance floor by far. The floor is 75' by 150' with no pillars or other obstructions.  We've dubbed it "the Starburst North", even though, in my opinion, it is even better than that location. For more information, or call 518-792-1603. Students and Singles are welcome.
  • $5 College or High School Students
  • Gentlemen Hosts will be admitted FREE.

This page was updated by Ralph Kenyon on 2013-03-15 at 11:45 and has been accessed 10038 times at 110 hits per month.