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September 2


"Many of the dances we do are included in the ballroom repertoire, but they are quite different stylistically. This is what waltz was before it became 'ballroom dance'. You can do a fast ballroom waltz to our waltzes, but the tempo is 120-170 beats per minute [40-57 mpm], much faster than the usual ballroom waltz at American Ballroom dances. Even our swing dances have a more folk dance appearance to them; few of the dancers can actually do Lindy, although anyone proficient at it is wildly popular! All dances have live music: however the ensemble is usually is a trio (sometimes a duo) including varying combinations of keyboard, fiddle/violin,  viola, guitar, mandolin, clarinet, and accordion. The musical repertoire is common to the folk dance setting: contradance, English Country Dance, Scandinavian folk dance. You will almost never hear selections from the ballroom repertoire. Many of the pieces played each night are actually composed by the musicians or their peers--members of the folk dance circles. The results are some heartbreakingly beautiful tunes that will be completely unfamiliar to the ballroom set."   --  Richard

  • First Friday every month.
  • No partner needed--singles welcome .
  • About 2/3 of the dances are waltzes, but the style of most of the dancers is that of folk dancing.
  • Waltzes are faster than usual ballroom tempo: 120-170 beats per minute.
  • non-waltzes are selections from swing, tango, blues, schottische, hambo, one-step, and even zwiefacher.
  • each dance includes a lesson from 7:00-8:00.
    On occasion these lessons feature a non-waltz dance, but most are waltz.
    • 7:00-7:30: basic beginner.
    • 7:30-8:00: intermediate.
  • details of each dance are posted on the Facebook group, Mostly Waltz in Greenfield.
  • They are also usually posted in less detail on the Guiding Start Grange Calendar.

For more information Richard Wyatt or call  413-834-0915.

This page was updated by Ralph Kenyon on 2014-08-21 at 19:58 and has been accessed 3105 times at 137 hits per month.