more area dance information sources

DanceNet On The Web: Dancing in Massachusetts - Way West of Boston.
● New England Ballroom NE Dancenet - Listings of dances and other dance related sites in the New England Area.
New York Capital District chapter USA Dance - Local USA Dance chapter listing of events
Uncle Sam's Events - Capital District Swing dance listings.
Dancing in the mid-Hudson Valley, NY (and nearby) - another list of places to dance with more area links
Evans Swing Dance Page - Swing dances and lessons in Highland, NY
Society Balls - Black any white tie events - many of which are in New York.
Bill Tenanes for a list of Latin dance venues in New England and Eastern NY.
The Tango Pulse Calendar - Area Tango milonga listings.
Albany Tango Society - Argentine Tango in Albany.
MassMoCA - occasional dance parties in North Adams - usually VERY crowded - need to search their calendar to find them.
New York State Capital District Military Ball
Swing Dance in the Hudson Valley! - Call it Lindy Hop, Jitterbug, or Swing Dancing, come join the fun we're having in the Hudson Valley, NY.
Albany Salsa - Latin dances and instruction in Albany
Crazylegs Lindy Hop - Lindy Hop dances in Northamton and Easthampton MA and other areas

This page was updated by Ralph Kenyon on 2008/04/22 at 11:06 and has been accessed 24519 times at 149 hits per month.