This page was updated by Ralph Kenyon on 2007/11/09 at 13:44 and has been accessed 15119 times at 55 hits per month.

 general purpose dance information sites 

Dance Way general purpose commercial site free to use with links, email, forum, articles, etc. 
Ballroom Bliss, free Ballroom resource center (Syllabus List)
Much Ado About Ballroom Dancing - pointers on ballroom dancing, shoes, music, and more.
Henry's Dance Hotlist - appears not to have been maintained in some time.
Henry's United States Ballroom Dance Nightclubs, Studios & Instructors Hotlist - many broken and outdated links
Dance Vision, USA - Ballroom Dancing & Dance Sport Information, Supplies (Videos, Music, CDs), and Services 
Ballroom Dancing Links - The Swan Directory of dance links
Mid Hudson Valley Dance Connection - information about dance in the Hudson Valley
DanceSpots Network - A FREE site for Dancers, Dance Teachers, and Dance Venues
time2dance - Resource for instructors, studios, and events in the Delaware Valley
Dance Way - a commercial site with classified and banner ads offering free email, forum, etc..
Folk Dance Association Ballroom dance information
World Promotions Inc - Ballroom Dancing
Federazione Italiana Danza Sportiva - going to Italy? - Dance sport information in Italy.
Sixth Star Entertainment Solutions for Cruise Lines and Resorts - apply as dance instructors or host - a web thesaurus and lexicon listing us under ballroom dance, ballroom dancing and ballroom dances
Dance resources - directory of dance related websites and discussion groups.
One Ballroom Way - Ballroom Dance Information for Amateur and Professional Dancers
DanceScape - "Where Dance Addicts meet 24/7 to Chat, Learn, and Shop" operating from Burlington, Ontario, Canada - search for ballroom dance info at the aigam web directory
Dancetime publications - research, performance, and preservation of 500 years of Social Dance within Western Culture / Dance - Dance Web Directory
Dance Forums Dance Directory
Western Mass US dance directory - A Dragon Directories Localized Search Engine listing registered businesses
National Dance Council of America - Supporting nationwide coordination and support for events.