day date times city state click for map sponsor price
Tuesday April 5 08:00-11:00 Watervliet NY 402 25th Street Evan MacDonald $10
April 19
April 26
May 3
May 10


Ukrainian American Citizen's Club Dances

This facility features a very large absolutely beautiful wood floor easy to move on. The hall has great atmosphere, is tastefully decorated, and is kept very neat and clean.
  • DJ music provided by Evan MacDonald.
  • Requests are accepted.
  • Pot luck / finger food welcome.
  • A cash bar is available on the premises.
This is not a general rating system. It does not consider subjective factors or quality; it's only about time, cost, and space to dance - how it works.



public admission price*

price per hour*

dancable area*

average attendance*

average distance betwen couples*

0 3 $10 $3.33 2600 50 7.4 feet

This page was updated by Ralph Kenyon on 2016-01-26 at 01:17 and has been accessed 1951 times at 414 hits per month.