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Tuesday 7:00-10:00 Cohoes NY 1 Pulaski Avenue $7

October 23
October 30
November 6
November 13


practice dancing with Louise & Paul Giuliano

Most dance teachers agree that the best way to get your money's worth out of a dance lesson is to spend four hours of practice for every one hour of class. Unfortunately, it is so easy to find excuses not to practice--"I don't have the space/time/floor/partner" are some the reasons we use to justify not practicing between lessons.

The format is similar to practice sessions in Europe: we will play at least 5 musical selections for each dance genre to give everyone time to practice that dance to music. Due to the feedback we received, we have decided to mix Latin/Rhythm with Smooth/Standard rather than have separate nights for each. This is a practice, so you can run through technique by yourself, review new choreography with a partner, stop and repeat the figures you are learning, etc. In other words, if you want to practice a single waltz figure all night long, it's your option. At a social dance, you would look pretty odd--but not at Practice Night! We also do not expect a full dance floor, so you should have plenty of room to move about. If you have particular music for a choreographed routine, we will be happy to play it for you towards the end of the evening. Dress is casual/workout! No ties or gowns!

We ask that you do not bring your own beverages as the bar will be open (and is very reasonable), and the hall needs the extra revenue to stay open for us. Paul and I will be on hand to help if there is a question we can answer, but we will be practicing and taking care of the music for the most part. We suggest that you work independently on whatever it is that your regular instructor has given you, bring a notepad to write down any problems you encounter during practice, and then review these problems with your teacher during your next lesson. This will advance your learning immensely and make your teacher very happy!

For independent dance instructors - you are welcome to come in with your students for a lesson or practice as long as you accept our format and the music we are playing. Feel free to me with any questions.  -- Louise.  [Singles may register with and check the partners database, too.]

This page was updated by Ralph Kenyon on 2007/09/24 at 09:17 and has been accessed 3634 times at 60 hits per month.