day date times city state click for map sponsor price
Saturday September 26 07:30-10:30 Chicopee MA 431 Granby Road $9
October 10
October 24
October 26



Chicopee Lodge of Elks

  • The floor is humongous. You won't find another as large around.
  • Admission per couple is $18 public / $15 for Elks (must show membership card).
  • Coffee and tea are served during a break.
  • A bar is available for alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
  • Dress code: September through June: Business Casual, July & August: Casual
  • For more information or call Edd Lingner at 860-749-2780.
  • Or, you may call the club at 413-592-1849.
This is not a general rating system. It does not consider subjective factors or quality; it's only about time, cost, and space to dance - how it works.



public admission price*

price per hour*

dancable area*

average attendance*

average distance betwen couples*

0 3 $9 $3.00 1650 90 3.2 feet

This page was updated by Ralph Kenyon on 2015-02-27 at 01:17 and has been accessed 39078 times at 201 hits per month.