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Saturday TBD Dalton MA 258 North Street Rockefeller Dances TBD
June 14
July 12
August 9
September 27


Second Saturday Rockefeller Dance

These dances, with a touch of class as the name implies, will be in air-conditioned locations in the Pittsfield area, have good or excellent dance floors, and cash bars. June be at the Dalton American Legion Hall. Two other upscale locations have already been booked and more are in the works.

The Rockefeller Dances will strive to offer the very best dance environments, sound quality, dance lessons, and music. While many people like to listen to bands, most experienced dancers would much prefer properly played recorded music - which is, no doubt, why the Albany black tie has an excellent DJ instead of a band.

Good dance bands are few and far between. The Overtones are excellent but already play 6 times a year in the Pittsfield area - 5 times at The Dalton Dinner Dances, and for our Berkshire Chapter USA Black Tie.

As such, The Rockefeller Dances will have recorded music played by The DJs Brain - compared to the very best dance bands in the world by some of the worlds very best dancers.  Because of the poor economy some of these dances will cost only $10. But, some will be a bit more.

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This page was updated by Ralph Kenyon on 2008/04/16 at 22:59 and has been accessed 71 times at 27 hits per month.